“After taking the training I feel more confident that it is doable for me to become a teacher—I feel better prepared. At the beginning when I was hired, I wasn’t sure about tutoring math. But going through the DFI trainings, I feel like I was doing a better service to the students I was working with. [They] gave me a solid foundation.” - Aspiring teacher
During the 2022-2023 school year, we piloted instructional modules designed to support aspiring teachers serving as tutors to be better prepared to teach, and tutor, elementary mathematics. Our modules were adapted from materials originally designed in partnership with teacher-preparation programs to support future teachers to effectively identify, analyze, and use high-quality instructional materials (HQIM) in math in support of student learning. They were embedded into college coursework and/or on-the-job training in four teacher preparation and tutoring programs situated in diverse geographical contexts around the country. Results showed that the modules contributed to growth in aspiring teachers' instructional knowledge and decision-making and also increased their feelings of preparedness to teach.
Interested in accessing these modules? Get in touch with us: