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Fueling the Lone Star Teacher Pipeline: A Landscape Analysis of RTAPs in Texas

Texas is experiencing one of the most severe teacher certification issues in the country, with 52 percent of new teachers entering the classroom this school year uncertified. While rates vary across the state, most communities are not only working to attract new talent and retain experienced and skilled educators, but they are also often hiring uncertified teachers.

Fortunately, a new pathway into teaching holds promise for solving Texas’ school staffing and student learning challenges. The U.S. Departments of Labor and Education have partnered with DFI and other leading education organizations to advance high-quality and affordable pathways into teaching through the expansion of Registered Teacher Apprenticeship Programs (RTAPs).

Leveraging a standardized survey and a semi-structured interview protocol, DFI conducted a landscape analysis of Texas RTAPs, providing the state’s first detailed understanding of the landscape of federally-approved RTAPs. The following report includes individual profiles of Texas RTAPs, an exploration of the following key findings, and policy solutions for state leaders.

Key findings:

  1. RTAPs could increase economic mobility and retention of teachers, while reducing the number of uncertified teachers.
  2. The ability to access and braid education and workforce funding, including funding available through local workforce boards, varies widely. 
  3. There is no consensus about what entities are best positioned to serve as the sponsors of RTAPs.

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