Building Blocks: Modeling
Important teaching practices are modeled for teacher-candidates and broken down into component parts so teacher-candidates understand “why” they work.
Programs that prepare confident, skilled teachers share four common elements that draw upon scientific learning principles.
Each year, nearly 200,000 new teachers graduate from preparation programs in the United States.
Many report feeling unprepared to teach in classrooms of their own.
Effective teachers matter – and if we aren’t doing enough to prepare teachers so they are ready to teach, we need a new approach.
And so we set out to visit programs led by members of Deans for Impact. We wanted to see what it might take to prepare teachers who are good on day one, and on the path to be great over time.
To do that, we visited:
We wanted to understand the complete context in which these programs prepare future teachers. We met with deans, faculty members, cooperating (mentor) teachers, school superintendents, school principals, and teacher-candidates. We spent almost equal time on college campuses and in K-12 classrooms.
All told, we interviewed and observed:
We saw some things that troubled us. At some programs, we saw teacher-candidates who were given little or conflicting guidance on how to teach effectively. To our eyes, these teacher-candidates were unprepared for the realities of the classroom.
At a variety of programs, we met teacher-candidates whose sense of professional identity, instructional skills, and understanding of how students learn far outpaced their novice experience levels.
We found that programs that prepared these confident, skilled teachers shared four common elements – modeling, practice, feedback, and alignment – that draw upon scientific learning principles. We see these as essential building blocks of effective teacher preparation.
Important teaching practices are modeled for teacher-candidates and broken down into component parts so teacher-candidates understand “why” they work.
Teacher-candidates receive specific, timely, and actionable feedback – based on a shared vision of effective teaching – across their experiences.
Teacher-candidates receive specific, timely, and actionable feedback – based on a shared vision of effective teaching – across their experiences.
Programs carefully design the trajectory of preparation to create a coherent experience for every teacher-candidate they prepare.
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