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2028 E. Ben White Blvd #240-5417
Austin, TX 78741

Tools and Resources

Data Diagnostic Tool

This tool outlines a developmental journey of a teacher preparation program to become more data-informed.

Using this tool provides a structured method to review and describe a program’s current use of data, where its areas of strength are, and where areas for growth exist. It illustrates what effective data use for continuous program improvement could look like, providing a roadmap for programs looking to improve their use of data.

Because teacher preparation programs are different and operate in different contexts, the development of a program’s capacity to use data will not look the same in every place, nor follow this outline perfectly, nor should it. This tool is not intended to suggest that there is a single way to approach data use for continuous improvement within teacher preparation programs, but rather to help deconstruct a complex process into specific checkpoints that our work with teacher preparation programs suggest are important in developing a program’s capacity to use data for continuous program improvement.

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